Jaxx Zipline Collection

The Jaxx Zipline Collection was developed in early 2013. Though the original design had a clever concept, it had shortcomings in multiple areas including safety, comfort, value, and style. My team took this on as our first product redesign when I started at Jaxx. After many material revisions, a revamp in production, and a top-to-bottom marketing overhaul, the Zipline Collection is now the top-selling Jaxx product line as of Q1 2015.

Concept Development

(Redesign to launch in 8 weeks)

customer reviews

"Love this! Was looking for a futon or sofa bed for an office/guest room. so many of the affordable ones were extremely uncomfortable to sleep on. However, two guests so far have reported this is super comfortable. It is easy to convert - one flip! - and fits well in my small space."

Alison from Iowa, 5 Stars on Wayfair

"Comfortable, sturdy, modern, stylish, affordable, unique. I looked at a lot of furniture before choosing this and it was perfect for my tastes and budget."

Frank from CN, 5 Stars on Wayfair

"It was amazing to see the furniture start to expand almost immediately. Lines are clean and simplicity at its best."

Esther from CA, 5 Stars on Wayfair

"My parents slept on it and said it was comfortable. They like firm mattresses and commented that it was a lot like their Temper-Pedic at home. I'm happy with this purchase!"

Tamara from FL, 5 Stars on Wayfair